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Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013


Why does someone who's being in love like to say it that he/she is falling in love? We can just simply say it 'in love' without using the word 'falling' in the front of that sentence, right?
For me personally falling sounds kinda hardcore. Because falling can means hurting. You fall then you hurt right the second after that. Falling can also means going down. 
So, why does everybody likes to call it falling in love? Does it mean love that comes with a bad impact? Or does it mean that love is always ends with a pain and hurtful feelings?

Or this is just me overthinking again?

Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Just so you know....

I have my own personal SoundCloud account. I once made that just for fun. Don't be hesitate to follow me, fellas :D

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Back for good

Taa-daaa! I'm back. It's been like forever that I've been gone M.I.A. So sorry fellas. I've been distracted by my busy routines. I have TONS of things to do. Not to mention, all that super hostile deadlines. But as hard as it sounds, it's kinda fun. I had so much amazing experience, especially in the-process-of-making-program-television sort of things.
You understand now how busy I am, right? so forgive me for being AWOL

Juts to make sure. What I'm doing is just.....

Later, Fellas!